⭐️Tall Like Mom⭐️
🔶 A delightful coloring book for parents and their tall daughters! A great gift for the tall girl in your life, or simply for yourself. Featuring adorable girls who are tall like mommy, this “Tall Like Mom” coloring book helps you to be tall and proud.
🔶Who doesn’t like to color? This coloring book for moms and tall girls celebrates the beauty found in those who are taller than average. The paper is thicker, making it perfect for adults and children of all ages!
✅How is this Coloring book different?
- ✔️Beautiful and unique designs
- ✔️colorful and attractive coloring pages
- ✔️There are NO duplicate images in this book.
- ✔️The pages are large 8.5×11 inch size.
- ✔️Flexible Paperback and Printed on high quality
Buy now, they make great gifts too!
Sharan –
I am so happy to find a coloring book for tall girls that me and my mom can both relate to and work on together